There are some uncertain times when unforeseen expenses can deter your monthly income towards various expenditure outlays. In such situations, most of the people turn towards their savings to escape out the period of cash crunch by compromising their financial security in the long run. Nowadays, emergence of cash loans has effectively reduced the financial burden considerably as they are extremely helpful to get short-term funding on an emergency basis. Moreover, the minimum eligibility criteria associated with such loans allow potential loan seekers access the funds without much hassle.
The perspective borrowers can eliminate their emergency requirements easily by opting for popular funding solution like gold loan these days. The gold loan can help borrowers meet their urgent requirements by offering better convenience as compared to other funding options. ShubhBank has streamlined the loan processing of yellow metal to quite an extent. Some of the perks are offered by us to boost the convenience of availing such loan which is listed below:
High LTV ratio: Loan to value ratio is the percentage of the pledged security’s total value that can be secured as a loan at maximum. To exemplify, if the precious metal you pledge is valued at Rs. 20 lakh, and the LTV ratio offered against it is 75%, you can avail Rs. 15 lakh as the loan quantum. In this context, you can avail the highest loan to value ratio against your yellow metal at nominal interest rates.
Minimum documentation requirement: To take a “Loan against Gold“ you will neither need to undertake an elaborative paperwork nor comply with any strict eligibility criteria. In gold loan, the loan quantum disbursed is based solely on the value of gold ornaments you pledge, you can secure it without submitting any documents like your income tax return proof and such. Apart from this, the lender does not take your credit score into account to deem you eligible for the borrowing.
Assured security of the collateral: You can give away the hesitation of pledging your gold to take the loan with lender’s uncompromising measures to secure your precious metal. To illustrate, the yellow metal collected from you as a security is deposited to the lender’s vault where it is stored safely until the time you repay the loan. Sometimes, it receives additional security through an insurance scheme offered at no additional charges.
Flexible repayment term: If you “Apply For Gold Loan“ you are enabling to opt for a repayment tenure ranging between few months to years. In such period, you only have to pay the interest accrued against the quantum availed and the rest as bullet payment after the loan tenure get completed as compared to other secured types of loan.
With such great benefits, gold loan makes for the most convenient option when it comes to meet any type of cash requirement- whether long term or short term. You must have to understand that how gold is valued before you apply for it to ensure that you are aware of the entire loan procedure.