There are many reasons why people want to take out a personal loan, but finding the correct place to go to can be quite difficult. If you have been looking for a place to get a “Personal Loan In Chandigarh“ then your work has been made easy as now you can apply for a personal loan online without any hassle.
What eligibility criteria I have to meet apply for a personal loan?
The eligibility criteria will differ from company to company. Still, these are some of the basic criteria that must be fulfilled so that you can stand a chance to get the personal loan that you are looking for. You have to keep in mind that the eligibility criteria shall be different for salaried and self-employed individuals. Some of the most common criteria are as follows:
• For a salaried person, the age should be between 23 years to 60 years while self-employed individuals must be between 23 years to 55 years.
• The salaried person should make at least 20000 rupees per month while the self-employed person must make 25000 rupees in profit for a month.
• Your credit score must be above 750.
• The minimum loan amount that you will be able to collect will be around 100000, and the maximum will be 25 to 30 lacs.
Different types of personal loans:
People take personal loans for a lot of reasons, and according to the reasons, the kind of personal loan will be given to you shall be decided. Some of the most common reasons why people take out personal loans are-
• Weddings
• Vacations
• Festivals
• Renovation of home
Documents to keep ready before you apply for the loan
Without these documents, you shall not be able to apply for your loan. Keep them in hand while you “Apply For Loan Online“. These documents include:
• Identity proof- PAN card, voter ID card, passport, Driving license, etc.
• Residential proof- Utility bills or passport.
• Proof of income- For a salaried individual you may have to produce your bank statement of the previous two years, and the self-employed person shall have to produce an audited financial statement of the past two years.
Things to keep in mind while finalizing your decision to take out a loan:
• Make sure that you are doing proper research about the company from which you will take out your loan.
• Many people tend to ignore what is written in the fine print; that can be quite a hassle. Read every single line carefully. If you any problem understands any term make sure to get the advice of a professional.
• While repaying make out a clear cut plan to repay the loan. Make sure that that you can repay the amount without any hassle. This will make sure that credit rating is always high, and you never face a problem getting a loan in the future.
The best part about applying online is that you do not have to form long lines or go to any office to get your documents verified. Gets a personal loan sitting at your home today.