Nowadays, individuals looking for required funding have a lot of options offered by the lending sector and the best option among all credit solutions are Gold Loan especially for the loan seekers who have low credit score. There are number of people who suffer financial crunch and “Apply For Gold Loan“ as it has speedy disbursement and flexible repayment structure.
A loan against gold is a secured loan that demands you to keep your gold ornaments and jewelry as collateral to the lender to access desired funds. It proves to be viable choice for low credit borrowers with short term cash needs.
The loan money can be used to fund any financial crunch and it is convenient because of its characteristics which are mentioned below:
High loan quantum: As compared to other secured and unsecured loan solutions, gold loan has a higher loan amount cap. The loan money directly based upon the quantity and purity of the gold that you are going to pledge with specific lender. This loan is the good option if someone requires a more considerable borrowing. One will get the 70-80% of the gold value as a loan amount.
No need of credit history: In case of gold loan, one needs not to be concerned about their credit history because lenders never consider your credit report while approving your loan application. The best thing about gold loan is that you are not obliged to disclose any existing loan before applying for loan against gold ornaments.
Low rate of interest: The gold loan has a lower rate of interest as compared to other secured loans such as Home Loan, Loan against Property and Machinery Loan etc.; therefore loan against gold is less expensive than other types of secured loan solutions. It means you will be required to repay the loan money with less money from your monthly budget without burning a hole in your pocket.
Flexible repayment structure: This is the best feature of gold loan because unlike other loans, gold loan can be availed with various loan repayment options. There are basically three types of repayment choices such as regular EMIs, you can pay only interest during the loan tenure and principal amount at the end or you can pay the interest as well as principal amount after the tenure with no repayments made in meantime.
Hence, it is an attractive option and one can “Apply For Gold Loan Online“ or offline by leveraging their possession to receive desired cash in an emergency situation. ShubhBank is one of the leading NBFCs across country that provides gold loan with lowest and effective rate of interest. We provide you the flexible repayment options from which you can choose the best suitable for you.
One needs to submit their basic details and gold ornaments to the lender to get immediate funds which they can use for their personal and professional needs. We are there to support our customers in the direction of growth and to provide all the loan services at their doorstep valuing their time and money.