Have you ever heard about the financial term loan against property? If not, then you must wonder what does this term means and how it is different from the loan against home. In this article, we will help you to decode the concept of loan against property which is also termed as LAP in the financial sector or lending market. Well, Loan against Property is type of secured loan which is accessed against an immovable asset, most probably a property or a type of land that should be kept as a mortgage with the lending institution to avail needed liquid funds. In this context, property can be residential or commercial.
There is a fundamental difference between home loan and mortgage loan as housing loan is availed to purchase your own house which could be under construction or a residential plot where as if you “Apply For Loan against Property“ one can meet their personal and business financial requirements such as wedding, exotic vacations, child’s higher education or for any medical emergency or paying for hospital bills by keeping your property as collateral with the specific lending institution.
In recent times, Loan against Property is gaining high popularity due to the host of serving features which comes along loan money. We have list down some of the basic features of this loan for you:
√ This loan is availed against a property that can either be a residential property or commercial one.
√ Loan money of several lacs to crores can be availed while applying for loan against property.
√ The commercial properties that fall under the ambit of secured assets while availing a mortgage loan can be shops or office premises.
√ Any salaried or self-employed individual having a good credit score is eligible for getting a loan.
√ A rate of interest is comparatively much lower as compared to avail any unsecured type of lending such as personal Loan.
√ The type of interest rate under loan against property can be accessed under fixed interest rate or floating interest rate.
√ The tenure of loan for repayment is much longer and flexible in few cases.
√ The loan procedure is much faster for loan against property if all the requisite documents are in hand and the eligibility of the specific borrower is robust along with credit worthiness.
Therefore, your home or property can provides you the potential to fulfill your dreams to aid you in the pressing times. Hence, if you are seeking a Loan against Property, our institution ensures that you commence the loan procedure by contacting us to “Apply For Loan against Property online“ or offline. We are prudent to do the research work and offering you the loan schemes from various lenders before finalizing any loan deal.
ShubhBank aims at fulfilling all your loan requirements and extends best-in class loan deals and post loan services that give you the financial power to accomplish all your personal dreams and professional goals with a stress-free loan journey at lowest possible rates of interest as well as flexible tenure.