There are certain times when you require funds quickly for wedding expenses, travelling somewhere or a medical emergency and many more. In such situations, you may or may not have savings to redeem or any asset to pledge. Hence, a Personal Loan can be savior in these tough times. Most of the lending institutions in the market allow you to grab a Personal Loan without any collateral and don’t lay down any restrictions on using the funds.
One must be careful about certain things before they “Apply For Personal Loan“ as the rate of interest charged on this loan is higher as compared to other types of secured loans. The rate of interest depends upon the borrower’s profile, needs and lender’s eligibility criteria. There are some factors which could be helpful in making an informed decision and to get the best offer available when it comes to calculate interest on personal loan.
Prepayment of a loan: The prepayment of any existing loan can help you to reduce the interest rate on loan to significant extent because repaying the loan earlier helps in reducing the amount of monthly installments and let you save interest to the extent of the repaid loan amount.
Pay outstanding debt: The multiple outstanding debts leaves you with less income flow to repay your personal loan resulting in higher rates of interest. Paying off your outstanding debt is a good idea as it lower downs the rates of interest. It is advisable to repay the debts with high interest rate followed by debts having lower interest rate. Therefore, repaying the loan faster will help in reducing the loan amount, thereby decreasing the interest burden.
Balance transfer: Personal loans being unsecured loans always have high rate of interest resulting in high cost borrowing. Thus, most of the lenders allow you the benefit of transferring the loan balance to the lenders who offer lower interest rates which will reduce your repayment burden to a particular extent.
Good credit score: The regular cash flow or stable income, low income to debt ratio as well as maintaining a good CIBIL score with a clear history of the repayments make sure the lender about your eligibility when you “Apply For Personal Loan Online“ or offline and helps you to avail better as well as lower rates of interest.
Debt consolidation loan: If you are already facing a stress of having multiple loans along with a personal loan then try to consolidate all your debts with a debt consolidation loan at lower rates in addition to other benefits to shed off the burden of repaying existing debts.
If you are looking out for a loan, then a Personal Loan from ShubhBank can help you to obtain the funds to fulfill your requirements with easily payable EMIs and flexible repayment period. Despite of which option you choose, staying committed to timely repayments will help you not to fall in the debt trap and solve all your questions to reduce the interest rate on personal loan.