It is very discouraging when your home loan application gets rejected. Let’s take a look at which could have possibly gone wrong rather than to dwell on failures. If your application has got rejected then learn from this experience as it will help you to identify aspects of your expenses that need inspection and improvement. Try to recognize your financial activity, such as delayed payments and eradicate them immediately. Being rejected for once doesn’t mean that you will never be approved. Let’s go through some reasons why your “Home Loan“ got rejected by the lender.
Unsatisfied Credit Report: Every lender considers your credit report as a reliable decision making tool before lending you the amount. Your credit report is consisted of missed or delayed card payments, previously loan applications and multiple loan applications. Therefore, such factors damage your credit worthiness. A low CIBIL score is the primary reason for the “Rejection of Home Loan Application“.
Insufficient Income: Unstable employment or changing too many jobs affects your loan application. Many lenders take your application on account if borrower has two years of constant employment. You need to have hand in valid proofs of working years to the bank or lender. The other factor is your income size, if your payment is too small, lender may not be willing to accept your loan request. It is good to start saving early as buying a home is one of the biggest investments.
Incomplete Paperwork: it is evident necessity for any loan application to submit updated and valid documents. In case of false submission, your application will not be processed. Lenders or bankers may look out for a clear track record of your ITR filings of the last two or three years before approving your application. Ensure the lender by providing accurate, complete and updated list of assets and finances to get the loan approval.
Pre-Existing Loan: Having too many loans in your pocket can leave the lender with a sense of uncertainty about one’s financial decisions. A lender will decide to approve your loan request after reviewing your income-to-debt ratio. If you are already donned with one or more existing loans, your liabilities should be greater than income to get the loan. Don’t be deterred by this and make a wrong decision.
Improper Asset Documentation: The rejection doesn’t always depend upon the applicant’s shortcoming, but sometimes, the value of the property may not be able to match the amount applied for. The high demanding properties have good resale value and a stable price whereas lenders do not prefer funding building older than 15 years.
If you are planning to get a Home Loan, enjoy the lowest interest rates and instant approval with zero paperwork at ShubhBank. If you are on the lookout for the online loan option or any other financial tool, you should take a tour on our website and take your pick. Now you know all about the factors responsible for loan rejection, it’s time to be aware of them.